Monday, May 22, 2006

Interviewing Like a Professional

Breaking the Ice

Pottery has always intrigued me. How did you become interested in it?

The campus looks very busy. How is your semester going?

I see you are involved in sports. How is your season going?

I have an extra hour and it's my first visit to the area. What should I see?

Personal Assessment

Tell me about yourself.

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?

Has your work ever been criticized? *

How do you react to criticism?

How would your best friend describe you?

Describe yourself using one-word adjectives. *

What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?

What kind of people do you enjoy working with?

What types of people rub you the wrong way?

What satisfies you; bothers you; motivates you? *

What frustrates you? (makes you angry?)

Are you a joiner or a loner? A leader or a follower? A committee member or an executive?

How do you spend your spare time? What are your hobbies?

Tell me about someone who has influenced you personally or professionally. *

When you are in a group situation are you the leader, technical expert, creative, responsible one? Provide examples. *

Have you had any work experience related to this position?

Tell me about the most satisfying job you ever held. The least satisfying.

What was most rewarding about your previous job? Most frustrating? *

What was your most significant accomplishment in your last position? *

What kind of work interests you the most?

What were you doing during the period of time not covered in your resume?

Tell me about a time you made your mind up too quickly. *

Tell me about an experience you had in customer service that went badly and how did you handle it? *

Have you ever failed at something? What did you do? *

Describe a situation in which you and a co-worker have disagreed. How did you work it out? *

Tell me about a time when you took charge as a leader in a work situation without being formally assigned to that role by your boss. *

Tell me about a time when you felt you went beyond the call of duty in helping a client. *

Describe what you liked and disliked about how you were managed in previous positions. *

Have you ever worked with someone who has had excessive absences? *

Have you ever stolen anything from a company? *

Tell me about the last time you broke the rules. *

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? *

What was your most interesting project or job? *

Tell me how you increased teamwork among a previous group with whom you worked. *

Why are you leaving (or did leave) your present (former) position? *


Can you summarize your educational background for me?

Why did you decide to attend the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay?

Why did you major in _____________?

Tell me about your grades...overall and grades in your major. Technical courses?

What courses did you like the most? The least? Why?

Do you feel you have done the best scholastic work for which you are capable?

Describe for me your most rewarding accomplishment since you've started college.

Describe your study habits.

How did you finance your education?

Do you feel you received a good general education?

Why did you drop out of school for a year?

How do you spend college vacations?

What extra-curricular activities are you involved in? What have you gained from these experiences?

Do you have plans for furthering your education?

If you could start college over, what would you do differently?

Leadership and Supervision

Describe your supervisory experience.

Have you ever trained a co-worker and what steps did you take? *

Every manager has to learn to delegate well. Describe a work situation in which you delegated responsibility successfully. Then tell me about a time when your delegation of responsibility did not work out well. How did you handle that situation? *What kind of boss do you prefer? Tell me about your favorite and least favorite boss.

What qualities does a successful (manager, teacher, counselor, etc.) possess?

Can you get recommendations from previous employers? Professors?

What will your current employer tell me about you? *

How would your former supervisors/co-workers describe your performance? *

Would your boss be surprised that you are interviewing? *

Tell me about a time you have disagreed with your boss. How did you handle it? *

Career Ambitions and Plans

Why did you choose this career field?

What type of position are you seeking?

What are your long-range and short-range goals and objectives? When and why did you establish these goals? How are you preparing to achieve them?

What specific goals, other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself in the next five years?

What are your career goals for the next 5 years? *

List the first 5 things you would accomplish in 2 weeks if you took on this role? *

What do you know about opportunities in your field?

What are the most important rewards you expect from your career?

What would you be giving up in your present job to take our position? *

What was the worst career mistake you have ever made and what have you learned from it? *

Tell me the position you’ve held that has been most meaningful to you and why. *

What improvements would you have made in you last job? *

What kind of challenge are you looking for?

What do you think determines a person's progress in a good company?

How do you determine or evaluate success?

What are your ideas on salary?

How much money do you hope to earn five years from now?

What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your field?

Company Organization

Why do you want to work for this organization?

What do you know about our organization?

What prompted you to apply with our company? *

What section (service or product) are you most interested in?

Do you prefer large or small organizations? Why?

What do you think it takes to be successful in an organization such as ours?

In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?

Have you ever been a member of a union? Worked with union members?

How long would you expect to work here?

Are you willing to work overtime?

Are you willing to go where the organization sends you?

When will you know when it is time to leave? *

What type of work environment are you most comfortable with?

Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our organization is located?

Why should we hire you?

Why should we hire you instead of any of the other well-qualified candidates? *


What are your salary expectations?

When could you start work?

If we invite you to our plant (main office) in Washington, D.C., would you be able to come?

Is there anything else I should know about you?

Do you have any other questions?


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